Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby Bissell at 17 1/2 weeks!

We were lucky to be able to get an ultrasound a little before 18 weeks. My doctor said if we wanted to find out the gender, to ask at the appointment, and they may be able to tell. I had my hopes up that we would be able to find out since I need to know if I need to start buying pink or blue!!! Everyone has been telling me that it's a boy.

At first, the ultrasound girl wasn't sure but she "thought" it was a girl. When she walked out Brian said, "I wouldn't take that to the bank." After emptying my bladder, she was able to see a little better. This time she confirmed it is a GIRL!! There are three little blobs "down there" that mean it's a girl. Since then I've been told, a girl has characteristics on the ultrasound picture that look like a hamburger and a boy looks like a hot dog. I asked the doctor for a second opinion and she confirmed, it's really a girl!! We are so excited and it didn't matter to us which it was, but buying pink is always fun!

She was also moving around a lot (as usual) so they were not able to take measurements of everything. Normally, they do a scan at 20 weeks, but since we were going to a specialist anyway, they wanted to try and measure everything. We saw her little fingers and toes and just about everything else, except they couldn't see the three vessel umbilical cord either because the baby was too small or moving too much. We will go back in 4 weeks for them to finishing measuring everything. They said she was measuring perfectly for how old she is and she weighs a whole 7 oz. All in all, we are VERY happy she is healthy!

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